4 raisons de passer du temps avec le service client

Travailler au service support d’une marketplace m’a beaucoup appris. En tant qu’UX Designer, il y a des informations que je n’aurai jamais pu apprendre autrement. Lorsque vous démarrez un nouveau projet, il est très important de mettre l’accent sur la compréhension des besoins des utilisateurs. Si vous travaillez sur un produit ou un service qui… Continue reading 4 raisons de passer du temps avec le service client

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Ce que j’ai appris en travaillant avec des clients internationaux

1. Toujours identifier le pays d’origine de l’utilisateur ou du client La façon de s’adresser à votre interlocuteur sera très différente, selon qu’il vient de Chine, d’Allemagne ou de France. En effet, selon le degré de compréhension de la langue, offrir le même discours peut mener à des quiproquos, des retours négatifs et des clients… Continue reading Ce que j’ai appris en travaillant avec des clients internationaux

Daily UX Writing – day 14

Photo by Karolina Grabowska on Pexels.com

Scenario: a user is shopping using a price comparison app that boasts “real-time” pricing on items. As they are checking the price of an item, something goes wrong. The problem is unknown. Challenge: write a message that informs the user that they cannot access the app right now.  You cannot specify « why » the app doesn’t work,… Continue reading Daily UX Writing – day 14

Daily UX Writing – day 13

Photo by Quintin Gellar on Pexels.com

Scenario: A short-haul truck driver has a phone app that monitors his route, schedule, fuel & deliveries. He has 6 more deliveries before stopping for fuel and lunch. Due to unexpected traffic, he’s behind schedule. He can choose to stay on his planned route for a few more stops, but risk running low on fuel… Continue reading Daily UX Writing – day 13

Daily UX Writing – day 11

Scenario: An elderly user is doing a Google search to find an easy way to buy contact lenses online. Challenge: Write a title and meta description for a website that sells subscription contact lenses delivered to a user every 30 days—convince them to try it. Title: 60 characters maxMeta Description: 160 characters max Buying contact lenses has… Continue reading Daily UX Writing – day 11

Daily UX Writing – day 10

Scenario: The user is trying to view a website to help them buy a car. But, the content can’t load without the user’s location. They need to enter their ZIP code and first name. Challenge: Ask them where they live and who they are without sounding like you’re unnecessarily mining their data. Headline: 25 charactersBody: 45 charactersButton: 15… Continue reading Daily UX Writing – day 10

Daily UX Writing – day 8

Photo by picjumbo.com on Pexels.com

Scenario: The user is a casual music fan and (on occasion) goes to live concerts. They have a music player app on their phone.   Challenge: Tell the user that one of their favorite bands is playing live in their town. How would you compel them to want to go? Headline: 30 characters maxBody: 45 characters… Continue reading Daily UX Writing – day 8

Daily UX Writing – day 7

Photo by Fabricio Trujillo on Pexels.com

Scenario: A sports fan is at a wedding while their favorite team is playing against their arch-rivals. Their team scores. Challenge: How would you, quickly, let the sports fan know about the latest play, the current score, and the key players? Write it. Headline: 30 characters max Body: 45 characters max  1-0 for XXX team Penalty marked… Continue reading Daily UX Writing – day 7

Daily UX Writing – day 5

Photo by Hasan Albari on Pexels.com

The prop : Scenario: The user works in graphic design. While critiquing a design in a mobile app, their phone abruptly turns off. When they restart the phone, they reopen the app. Challenge: Write a message that the user will read immediately upon opening the app. What do they need to know? What steps (if any)… Continue reading Daily UX Writing – day 5