A tale of a Fintech Plugin

The demand :

Make loans and bank jargon more friendly to small businesses. The startup Tresoria came with two main needs for their clients : autonomy and speed


1 startup : WeFinUp (now Tresoria)

4 UX Designer

My role

Time keeper, organisation, users interview, benchmark and analysis.


1 plugin for the accounting sofware Tiime


2 weeks


Paper, pencils, post-il, Figma and Illustrator


Improve the definition of need and get an overview of the users journey.



My team and I knew nothing about accounting software. There was also no fixed idea of what would be the final interface (would it be an app, a plugin, a software, a website?)

The startup's founder explained us more in details what they do. They also provided some contacts to learn more.

The benchmark helped us understand the positive and negative points of the accounting software or platform used by small businesses. It was the benchmark that helped us decide on the plugin solution.

We then confronted our new knowledge in the outside world. Our campus was right in the middle of a bustling neighborhood with plenty of small businesses.


5 startup give us a little bit of their time for an interview.

Given the short time frame, we narrow down the questionnaire to the following points :

  • Feeling toward loans
  • Their business need
  • Accounting management
  • How digitalized they are

The interview confirmed the needs of startup for autonomy and rapidity as well as the following points :

  • Confiance
  • Service Client

Experience Map

We stayed in the theme of our alien mascot with the loans experience galaxy. This map helped us throught the ideation phase.


After a few hours of brainstorming, we finally agreed on the features of the plugin and organized a card sorting to draw the final structure of the information.

To make loans more friendly, one of the designers draw an alien that we called "UP". The banking jargon can sound like an otherwordly language sometimes. This is why we went for an alien.


The 4 of us worked on the prototype.


2 des 5 start-up que nous avions interviewées ont bien voulu tester notre prototype. Nous avions établi 2 scénarios.

Grâce à ces tests, nous avons pu aussi recueillir les premières impressions sur la mascotte. « UP » fut bien accueilli par les terriens. 

Ce que j’ai pu retirer de cette expérience :

Avec mon équipe, nous avons réussi à rendre ce projet qui nous semblait venu d’ailleurs attrayant grâce à l’humour. Cela a aussi rendu l’expérience plus accessible pour les utilisateurs que nous avons rencontrés. Ayant apprécié l’approche humoristique, les clients ont gardé l’idée de la mascotte.

Merci à l’équipe de Trésoria d’avoir patiemment répondu à toutes nos questions et nous avoir aidés dans cette démarche.